My last blog was "boooorrrrringggg".
Yup...That was the comment on my last blog. This one better fuckin' do some amends :)
Crobar, Chicago (Yeayyy!!)
Here's the situation. Friday night, 11 p.m. and I had a flight to Vegas at 7 a.m. in the morning the next day. Prash was on the same flight too. Wouldn't be a good idea to get some rest and wake up in time for the flight? Right. But we don't do that shit :) We decided to party the night out at Crobar and the rest is history. Had a blasty-blast (DC, anybody?) and surprisingly, Crobar played lots of hiphop that night. What's up with that? :) Anyway, Prash and I decided that it was a great idea to pull this off...Until....
Oh, shit.
This happened!! Er, no, it aint no homeless bum. Its just me, wasted and rolled up. Probably cursing myself for partying like a maniac and I'm guessing my hoodie wasn't keeping me too warm. If you were to add a soundtrack to it, my friends would gladly say "abhishekkkkk....lemon kondaaaa". haahahaha. If you don't get this reference, its probably a good thing. For me. Seriously, this pic is embarrassing. Let's move on :)
Vegas (new year's day)
Of course, I'm the one with the pink hat. If you can't see what it says, take a guess. It says 'Happy New Year'. We call this pic "Roshan's Seven" (parody of ocean's seven...) cause we're desis. Haha. Weak. I know. But New Years at Vegas was amazing! (Duh). Mama Jay pulled off some fantastic stunts! (leftmost in the pic). My personal fav is when this girl, Anna, got on the train and stood next to Jay and I. When she heard the "please hold on to a pole, train's about to leave" announcement, she almost grabbed Jay :D. Our man, after 5 seconds or so...said "you thought I was a pole" in his usual accent. Unbelievably hilarious shit. Hard to explain but funny as hell in person! :))))
San Francisco! Golden Gate, y'all.
Roughly six weeks ago, I caved into the desire for a change (and sunshine!). Interviewed with a startup (my cousin works here) right after Christmas and I got the offer a week after the New Years. Packed my bags, got outta Chicago in a little over 2 weeks and here I am. San Francisco! From sub-zero temperatures to 70 degrees today. Whoo hoo! And for the record, I checked out the SF nightlife this Friday (Mission district) by myself and had a wild night. Blondies bar and no grill -> beauty bar -> Lexington and I met some really cool folks. Good fun. Anytime you end-up arm wrestling a lesbian on a pinball machine at a beauty bar (beauty salon + bar), you know you've fuckin' seen it all -))) I did beat her. And I got her a glass a red wine cause I'm a nice guy. hahahaha.
Things are rushing at me in full speed but I'm starting to settle down. Officially moved into my apartment in San Fran and setting up my place now. Gotta ready it up for some house warming parties ;-) See the image below. I know I'm pushing it but at some point, I gotta give my crib a face lift, right?

Crobar, Chicago (Yeayyy!!)

Vegas (new year's day)

San Francisco! Golden Gate, y'all.

Things are rushing at me in full speed but I'm starting to settle down. Officially moved into my apartment in San Fran and setting up my place now. Gotta ready it up for some house warming parties ;-) See the image below. I know I'm pushing it but at some point, I gotta give my crib a face lift, right?