Sunday, June 04, 2006

When the going gets crazy, the crazy get going!!! (Part II)

Thanks to my forceful publicity, I had quite a few people read my first two fiascoes ;) and thanks to one and all for giving up some of your brain's storage for absolutely immaterial information :) This time around, I've handpicked some more acts of derangement :D which you'll hopefully enjoy!

“Pour some beer on the name of love”

This one's for Sue, the Swedish delight :P (she's on my orkut network and she'd gladly testify the story! :P) Sayat Nova in downtown Chicago has this tradition of throwing awesome Desi parties every third Saturday and almost a year ago, myself, P (yes, my savior!) and L (the elite guitarist) decided to hit it :) So, we're two guys and a girl (L) and while dancing our butts off, we saw Sue, this thing o' beauty wrapped in red, standing beside us and seemingly lonely. So, being the nice bunch that we are, we took her in (hehe ;)) and we started dancing together. All went well until we had our arms on each other's shoulders and moving around in circles, when the smart me, in a fervor, tipped my beer and drenched Sue's shoulders :))) No, this is not the crazy part. Shit happened, I apologized and she disappeared, as expected; But then, two weeks later, I was partyin' it up at the Sound Bar and she came up to me and asked “hey, arent u the guy who spilled beer all over me at the sayat nova party?”. Awrgggh!!! ;) I mumbled some gibberish and danced with her for a bit as a lame make up for my blunder :D We're not done yet!! After that, I've randomly seen her at least at four different parties and we met again at Pasha's for the new year's eve and we took her in; I remember our gang dancing like crazy and having this weird discussion where she accused me of dancing like a chick. (wait, was that you? ;)). Now take a load of this: I get on the Orkut network and searched for one Ms. Sue Townsend (winks*) and I found her instead :))) No exchange of phone numbers or email addresses or anything; One spilled beer and we just keep bumping into each other. GO figure!!

“The animal house” :)

For the record, I should admit my fascination for house parties ;), throwin' and goin! So, August 2004, I decided to pull one off at my newest residence in the Chicago burbs and of course, it can't be just another house party now, can it? ;) Let's take a timeout for a second and I want you to guess what I could've possibly had at the party; Music, alcohol, food and maybe a dance floor, right? Yes, and some more :D Where shall i start? Laughing gas!! Here's the deal with LG; Its basically N2O and its called so because inhaling N2O cuts off oxygen supply to the brain for maybe 30 seconds and makes you do stupid things, which includes laughing for no reason :))) So, I got some nitrous oxide canisters used to make whipped cream, a metal cracker which we used to release the gas from the canister into a balloon and we were on :P 15 of us in one small room, with the scariest looks on our faces (too much of N2O can you make you go nuts!!) with bated breaths and slowly one after another, we inhaled and felt the cold gas seep into our systems and slow our worlds down! Nobody really laughed because we were too conscious if we were gonna ;) but it was still worth it! Nothing like the first time, I guess :))) hehehe. So, what else? ;) I rented his huge hookah (4ft high maybe) with apple and strawberry flavored tobacco and a dozen of us, girls and guys, gathered around in my patio and we huffed and puffed it with our own plastic condoms (aka hookah mouthpieces ;)) and it was just the coolest thing, passing the hookah tube around like rickshaw walas sitting around and passing that governor beedi :)))) And ofc, there was the beer keg and we pumped at it like crazy all night and foamed the whole thing up ;) (kids, if you get a keg for the first time, here's a tip. More you pump, more you foam up the gentle!). So, we huffed and puffed, drank to our brims, danced like hell, stuffed ourselves with wings and pizza and by around 3am, when people started to leave, I realized that I had some people in my place who I didn't know yet :)) I basically introduced myself to this one couple who had come by, when I walked them to their car :D. It all winded to a stop at maybe 5a.m and I can safely say that it was a blast :P

Darn, I think I need at least two more parts to complete the series ;) Depends on whether people want more, I guess :))

// Adios //


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! What a story...I still chuckle thinking about the look on your face after that happened.

-"Sue," the beer lady

8:28 PM  
Blogger c2c said...

Those were crazy times man! We were hitting some pub/club every weekend on top of all the b'day bashes. Good stuff. Keep the series going!

8:06 AM  

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