Chicago, you better be glad I'm here :D

The apartment hunt. Good God. I love the city but hate this apartment searching ritual. Who doesnt? You like the place, its too expensive. If its cheap, no parking. If u got parking, no laundry in the building. If you got it all, no train/bus stops nearby. If all of this works, its taken before we get to it. Darn! Here's how random it was. We saw a house that had a bachelor's party the previous night, to start with. Porn magazines everywhere, place was totally trashed, a mirror on the wall with the word "poo" written on it (it did look brown, yuck!) and a god awful smell. We walk out of the house and our agent locks his key in his car. We wait for his spare key and head out to another place where get locked inside the house because we could open it from outside but the lock inside of the door was damaged and we couldnt get out. We wait for rescue and somebody dropped by and let us out. Total mess. We did find a brilliant house close to the lake, came back with the agent to sign, only to find out that it had been "just" taken. As in, within the past 15 odd minutes. Darn!!
Finally, it looks like River West is our destination. I'm still waiting to sign the lease, our neighborhood is crappy, the place isnt all that great (its good though) but here's the juicy part:-
NBC Tower (my office): [[ 2.8 miles ]]
Sears Tower (roomie's office): [[ 2.3 miles ]]
Rush & Division (Leg Room, Mothers, Shannanigans et al): [[ 3 miles ]]
Weed district (Crobar, Zentra et al): [[ 2 miles ]]
Lincoln/fullerton area (apartment et al): [[ 3 miles ]]
Halsted area (funky buddha, blues, kingston mines, Tonic Room et al): [[ 1 mile ]]
Loop (Sound bar, Coyote Ugly, Buzz, Spy Bar et al): [[ 2 miles ]]
Milwaukee party district: [[ 1.1 miles ]]
Sayat nova: [[ 1.4 miles ]]
Nearby neighborhoods: [[ Wicker Park, River North, Gold Coast ]]
And this was my first picture blog. Hmm.
Finally, it looks like River West is our destination. I'm still waiting to sign the lease, our neighborhood is crappy, the place isnt all that great (its good though) but here's the juicy part:-
NBC Tower (my office): [[ 2.8 miles ]]
Sears Tower (roomie's office): [[ 2.3 miles ]]
Rush & Division (Leg Room, Mothers, Shannanigans et al): [[ 3 miles ]]
Weed district (Crobar, Zentra et al): [[ 2 miles ]]
Lincoln/fullerton area (apartment et al): [[ 3 miles ]]
Halsted area (funky buddha, blues, kingston mines, Tonic Room et al): [[ 1 mile ]]
Loop (Sound bar, Coyote Ugly, Buzz, Spy Bar et al): [[ 2 miles ]]
Milwaukee party district: [[ 1.1 miles ]]
Sayat nova: [[ 1.4 miles ]]
Nearby neighborhoods: [[ Wicker Park, River North, Gold Coast ]]
And this was my first picture blog. Hmm.
I hate it when suburbians move to
the city and start talking in terms
of neighborhoods instead of strip
malls and exit numbers.
Unakku vera picture-a kidakalaya?
Put a smaller scale picture in case
we have to dropin someday.
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